Plevier100's Journal

This is my journal! This is were I post stuff about my boring life and other stuff!

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back from the dead | 1/02/2025 |

So.. It's been a while. A lot happened. Not really a lot, but a lot of time has passed. New Years, Christmas.. All seems very far away now. I'm doing good. I took a long break from coding, and I think I've actually improved somehow.

I don't have much to say. I'm looking forward to tommorow, which is actually today.. Since I'm writing this at 00:04.. Whatever, it's Friday! Anyways, I'm going out to a restaurant with my friends tommorow / today. I haven't seen them all in a long time, since we go to different schools. So YIPPIE! I'm gonna see my pookies!

Anyways, please stay safe! God bless you!

productif! | 20/11/2024 |

Do you ever have that urge at 2 in the morning to turn your whole life around and actually start doing something? I had that today, and I actually did something today! I cleaned my room, did the laundry and felt very very grown up yes yes. I even wanted to go the library to go pick up a book but i decided: screw it! I only have two days left of doing nothing and I'm gonna use them properly.
Anyways, i practiced some more with coding today. I watched some videos and played around with a new homepage, but it's leaving me like this.

School sucks | 29/11/2024 |

Today were my final tests of the 1st test week of this schoolyear. This week's tests went horrible, except for Dutch and English. I'm in the 4th year of Dutch high school and I do VWO, which is basically pre-univeresity level. It's hard. Homework's a lot, the stuff you have to understand is a lot, and I don't get all the help I feel I need, which really, really sucks. But, luckily I went it over with my mom and I'm gonna get a tutor.

I really love learning. But sometimes I can't understand what the textbook says just by reading it, making doing homework sort of useless. Because the whole point of homework (in my opinion) is practicing what you "sort of" already know by the explanation of the teacher and the textbook. What I'm saying is that all I want is to have some more explanation to really get the material and get (relatively) good grades. BUT I'M GONNA HAVE A TUTOR AND THEN I'LL HAVE GOOD GRADES AND BE SUCCESFULL IN LIFE AND-

This schoolyear's gonna be tougher than the last 3, because now we're already working for the exams (WHICH IS OVER 3 YEARS??). I really don't know how I'm gonna memorize all of it. But hey, not my problem now! 😜
My second entry | 28/11/2024 |

So, this is my second entry of this journal. As previously mentioned I had my chemistry test today. I almost cried seeing the first subject. i'm kidding.. or am i? Haha, no yeah i almost cried. the test went surprisingly well. I mean, i could answer some questions, which still counts? I calculated my grade and got around a 5.5/10 WHICH IS A PASS!!!!!!

But anyway i didn't feel all too good today. it felt like i could fall asleep at any moment, probably due to the fact that i haven't eaten much recently. (and the fact that i went to sleep at 1.30..)
anyways! i did make this page without any layout! I'm making progress! WOOHOO!!!!!! even though it still looks super messy as you can see ^^
My first entry | 27/11/2024 |

I didn't do much today. I had a biology test at 8.30, when I normally have tests around 10:30. It rained when I was biking, I was almost TOO LATE, and ON TOP OF THAT, I didn't know WHERE I had the test. So I tried walking into the gymnasium, where I had the last couple of test but the doors didn't open. So I thought: 'Okay, I'll just.. walk in the school.' So I did that, looked at the clock, 8:27. The test starts in 3 mintues.
At this point I'm truly panicking. I don't have a phone, I don't have ANYTHING to search up where that damn test is. I just wandered through the school and God sent a knight. My German teacher. She ended up logging in and showing me where I had my test. All good! ;^)
The test went alright. It was about cells, mitosis, meiosis, hormones.. All the shabang. Tomorrow I have chemistry, which I am terrified of. There was a diagnostic test and I already backed out when looking at it. I'll just read through my book and notes one time and I think I'll be fine. I know I'm failing some subjects already.